Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So I just made an appointment to get my braces on for next week.
I am getting the molds and Xrays on Tuesday the 1st of July. Then I am getting the braces on Thursday July 3rd.
It should just be so much fun!
The day before the 4th!
I seem to always do things to myself around holidays! but, that does mean that I get a whole weekend to recover before I have to go back to work!
That is a blessing!
Plus I am excited to get straight teeth!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Get Smart!

I just wanted to jot a little something down about the movie Get Smart!
Basically I think that everyone should see the movie! I laughed so hard, my stomach ached by the time it was over! Maybe I was just in that kind of a mood so don't get mad at me if you don't think it was funny when you see it! :)
But I still think it is so funny! I have been quoting it all weekend!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Chris's car and school!

Chris got a car yesterday! His first car!

Its a 2001 Mazda 626. It is dark blue and it is seems really nice!
Plus he started school on last wednesday and he absolutely loves it!!!


So today I was sitting at work pondering all of these things in my mind that have been bugging me and I just can't seem to figure out!

For example school and how in the world I am going to pay for it all! As well as trying to figure out what in the world I am going to do with my teeth (They have issues!) One other thing is that at work they hired someone that basically has taken over my job so I don't have anything to do, I don't feel needed and i feel like they are hinting that they want my to quite by the school year ( I know my boss outside of work and they are actually in my ward, so I really don't think she would ever fire me!)

So I get this feeling to look on my UV link site today and low and behold I have posted that I received a work study grant (which simply means they will provide a job for me). I didn't really know how I felt about that so I called the financil aid department and the lady made me feel way comfortable about it and told me I coudl most likely get a job teaching kids to read!) Uh yeah..right up my alley! That takes care of getting a new job for the school year as well as paying for some of school. So I am going along feeling real good about that one. mom calls and asks if she can open this letter that is from the University Education Department. Low and behold I got the scholorship/Loan teaching incentive that I applied for! It pays for Full Tuition and Fees and I don't have to pay a dime back as long as I work for the state of Utah as a teacher for two years it pays itself back! Therefore that takes care of school right there!!!

So now just my teeth are just the issue but I feel really good about making the choice to just do the braces for a year and pull that one tooth down and do slight fixing with the braces. Not the whole surgery. It just doesn't feel right for this time in my life, if later it becomes more of an issue I will roll with it them when I get there! I called my ortho and told him and I hopefully should get this whole thing started within the next month!

Wow for the blessings!!
I just knew that if I didn't write all of this down now that it would never get done and I can't possibly imagine what it woudl be like to not be able to remember the gratitude that I feel in my heart right now for the blessings that I have in my life but I am sure that someday that will happen and I want to be able to remember it forever! i am lucky and even more so I am so blessed!